Avropa İttifaqı tərəfindən maliyyələşdirilən layihə Şəki-Zaqatala İqtisadi Regionunda gənclərin və fermerlərin potensialının artırılmasını davam etdirir

“Uluchay” Social-Economic Innovation Center provides capacity-building training sessions for farmers and youth from the Sheki-Zagatala Economic Region within the EU-funded “Promoting local food production and agri-business owners through advisory services, the creation of new value chain models, and agri-tourism development” project.

Youth groups consist of 25 persons each from Sheki and Zagatala received business development training sessions from Uluchay’s trainers and increased their capacity and knowledge on business management, business start-up, business-plan writing, marketing, sales, and accounting related topics.

Farmer groups also consist of 25 persons each from these two districts also received capacity and information sessions from Uluchay on business and budget planning, new technologies in the agriculture sector, access to finance, agri-tourism, food safety, and other topics.

Uluchay organized all sessions in the open air at the famous agri- and eco-tourism area, providing the example and best practices for both farmers and young people interested in agriculture and agri-tourism sectors.

The project will continue providing training sessions for both farmers and young people from other districts of the economic region, and in case you are interested in joining to training sessions, do not hesitate to get in touch with the organization.

In addition, the Agriculture Information and Advisory Center based in Sheki is open for all farmers from the region in need of advisory and information support from experienced agronomists. You can visit the Center or request a visit by agronomists during their site visits to specific districts.

The EU-funded “Promoting local food production and agri-business owners through advisory services, the creation of new value chain models, and agri-tourism development” project is implementing by the Center for Economic and Social Development in cooperation with “Uluchay” Social-Economic Innovation Center and Center for Economic Development from Bulgaria.

For any information, please contact:

Local Coordinator Mayis Safarov via mais.safarov@gmail.com | +994702550195; or

Agronomist: Elkhan Ilyasov via +994505254443

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