404: Not Found Business development support to ex-prisoners – "Uluchay" Social-Economic Innovation Center

Business development support to ex-prisoners

funded by the European Union and Council of Europe

Donors: European Union and Council of Europe

Target area: Sheki-Zagatala Economic Region

Target groups: ex-prisoners

“Uluchay” Social-Economic Innovation Center implemented the “Business development support to ex-prisoners” project funded by the European Union – Council of Europe joint Project “Further Support to the Penitentiary Reform in Azerbaijan 2” (SPERA 2).

The project’s overall objective is to promote self-employment among ex-prisoners as a tool for rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

The specific objectives of the project are the followings:
• Increased business skills and knowledge among ex-prisoners living in Sheki-Zagatala Region;
• Established new businesses by ex-prisoners;
• Increased awareness of regional entrepreneurs and the general public on the social stigma of prisoners

For more information about the project, please contact us via email office@uluchay.org

Supported businesses led by ex-prisoners