Business development support to ex-prisoners

funded by the European Union and Council of Europe

Donors: European Union and Council of Europe

Target area: Sheki-Zagatala Economic Region

Target groups: ex-prisoners

“Uluchay” Social-Economic Innovation Center implemented the “Business development support to ex-prisoners” project funded by the European Union – Council of Europe joint Project “Further Support to the Penitentiary Reform in Azerbaijan 2” (SPERA 2).

The project’s overall objective is to promote self-employment among ex-prisoners as a tool for rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

The specific objectives of the project are the followings the best nike air max 95s of all time:
• Increased business skills and knowledge among ex-prisoners living new air jordan Bordeaux 1 mid j white red black in Sheki-Zagatala Region;
• Established new businesses by ex-prisoners;
• Increased awareness of regional entrepreneurs and the general public on the social stigma of prisoners

For more information about the project, please contact us via email

Supported businesses led by ex-prisoners