As a policy research center, Uluchay’s work is unique in that we introduce new approaches to social change, including the awareness of economic, social, and cultural rights.
Policy Strategy
The overarching strategic objective of Uluchay is to conduct independent public policy research and analyses and provide relevant government institutions with recommendations and suggestions.
Uluchay strives to make a difference by:
- Acting as a bridge between civil society and policymakers.
- Generating policy options for enhancing regional and national social, economic and political activism
- Providing policy inputs through objective research and studies on policies affecting all levels of society
As Centre of Excellence, Uluchay is:
- Able to attract leading and committed researchers in the fields of social, economic, and political matters
- Respected by the government, academia, media, and the broader strategic studies community
- Able to attract increased investment in research, policy studies, knowledge dissemination, and awareness activities
- Governed by a forward-looking, dynamic and efficient leadership
As a Knowledge-driven policy research center, Uluchay undertakes the following:
- Focuses on policy-oriented research and analysis
- Excels at conducting research and analytical studies, leading to new insights and practical policy options
- Nurtures genuine scholarly research and creativity
- Promotes teamwork and engages in productive partnerships
- Forges strong interdisciplinary programs