404: Not Found Assessing Tourism Potential of Sheki-Zagatala Region of Azerbaijan – "Uluchay" Social-Economic Innovation Center

Assessing Tourism Potential of Sheki-Zagatala Region of Azerbaijan

The “Assessing Tourism Potential of Sheki-Zagatala Region of Azerbaijan” paper was developed by “Uluchay” Social-Economic Innovation Center, a Sheki, Azerbaijan-based socio-economic think tank with core & institutional support provided by Open Society Foundations and Think Tank Fund. This assessment analyzes tourism potential in the Sheki-Zagatala region and contains recommendations for local and national authorities. The assessment illustrates tourism’s importance as an economic activity and analyzes Sheki-Zagatala’s current situation, needs, and suggestions for future development.

This paper was developed based on surveys conducted with tourism operators and entrepreneurs and consultations with local and regional stakeholders. We also reviewed the literature and conducted other forms of in-depth research.

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